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The Magic of the Waiting Period: Embracing the Final Weeks Before Baby

Writer: Kayla Kent-JarvisKayla Kent-Jarvis

You’ve finally hit that final stretch: maternity leave has begun, but baby still seems to be quite comfortable inside, thank you very much. It’s that strange period where time simultaneously drags and flies, and you’re caught somewhere between excitement, impatience, and wondering just how much more your belly can possibly stretch.

First off, mama, let’s acknowledge that these final weeks are… well, they’re no joke. You’re exhausted, sore, and possibly spending more time in your maternity leggings than you care to admit (but hey, comfort is key!). But in the midst of all that, there’s a kind of beauty to this waiting period that’s easy to miss if you’re caught up in the “when is this baby coming out” countdown.

The Quiet Before the Storm (Literally)

This time between starting your maternity leave and baby’s arrival is like the calm before the storm—but a good storm, the kind that’s full of joy, love, and sleepless nights. You’ve got this pocket of time that’s yours, where you can still lie down comfortably (well, sort of), finish a cup of tea while it’s still warm, or indulge in a Netflix series that will soon be replaced with baby lullabies and diaper duty.

And even though every day feels like it’s getting a bit harder (why are socks so far away now?), this period is also magical. It’s a time of anticipation, where you get to daydream about who your little one will be, what their personality might be like, and what it will feel like to finally hold them.

Nesting Mode: Activated

One minute you’re obsessively organizing baby clothes by size, and the next, you’re rearranging the nursery for the fifth time this week. Yes, nesting is real, and if you’re deep in the process, embrace it! There’s something about folding tiny onesies and setting up diaper caddies that feels oddly therapeutic—like you’re preparing for a big adventure (which, spoiler alert, you are!).

But remember, it’s okay to let yourself rest too. If there’s a day where the couch is calling your name more than the urge to vacuum (again), listen to your body. You don’t need to have everything “perfect” before baby arrives—just like your birth, this journey is unpredictable and will unfold in its own way.

The End-of-Pregnancy Feels

We can’t skip over the fact that these last weeks can be tough, physically and emotionally. You might feel huge, uncomfortable, and more than ready to evict your little tenant (rent is due, kid!). But it’s okay to feel all the feels—whether that’s excitement, nervousness, or straight-up impatience. That’s where some extra support, like a doula, can make a world of difference. A doula can offer reassurance, help you feel prepared, and be a calming presence when everything else feels like chaos.

When you’re planning for a natural birth, having that extra encouragement can help you stay grounded as you approach labor. These final weeks aren’t just about the waiting—they’re also about building up the strength and confidence for the birth you envision.

Humor to Lighten the Load

Now, a little humor for the home stretch. You might find yourself doing the classic “pregnant waddle,” which can be both endearing and frustrating. Your partner may be giving you those “Is it time yet?” glances, while you try not to snap because, no, it’s not time. And the baby? Well, they’re just hanging out, getting all nice and cozy while you search Google for the 100th time: “how to induce labor naturally.”

There’s beauty in laughing through these moments. Whether it’s laughing at how your feet have disappeared or giggling at the hilarious positions you find yourself in just to get comfortable, humor can ease the tension. After all, pregnancy is an incredible journey—and these last weeks are the final chapter before a brand-new story begins.

Cherish the Stillness

While it’s hard to be patient, especially when the end is in sight, remember that this time is precious. This is your last opportunity for quiet moments—just you and your baby bump. Once your little one arrives, life will be a whirlwind of love, snuggles, and yes, sleepless nights. But for now, soak in the stillness, even if it’s interrupted by the occasional kick to the ribs.

The beauty of this waiting period lies in its quiet magic, in the unknowns, and in the fact that you’re standing at the edge of something extraordinary. So take a deep breath, mama. You’re almost there, and you’re doing amazing.

In the end, whether your baby decides to arrive fashionably late or right on time, you’ve got this. And with the support of a doula, your birth team, and your own strength, you’re going to rock it.



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